
March 9, 2016

Festivals and occasions in Nepal: an integral part of tourism

A country culturally and traditionally diverse, with over hundreds of festivals and cultural events, Nepal hosts some of the most exciting festivals and events in the world. Tourists take part in the festivals and occasions, allowing them to understand and be familiarized with the country’s culture, tradition and rituals at the same time experiencing something very unique than their usual culture.
One of the most popular festivals among the tourists is Holi which is celebrated in the commemoration of the love of Radha and Lord Krishna who is a Hindu deity. This festivals is also called the festival of colors as people celebrate Holi by putting colors on each other’s faces to demonstrate friendship and respect. However, many events take place during Holi which involves pool party, drinks, food festivals, concerts and many more which could be a really refreshing as well as exciting occasion.
Tihar, the festival of lights is one of the most culturally significant festivals which is done in the worship of Godess Laxmi and many more. During Tihar, the cities all around Nepal is glittered with lights and colors. The view is quite pleasant and a hub for cultural photographers, looking for their next big art or project. Tihar is also celebrated by singing and dancing, where people go from one house to the other to perform for money and gifts.
Buddha jayanti, is the occasion celebrated at the day of the birth of Buddha who is the founder of Buddhism. Many Buddhists as well as other religious followers can be seen taking part in the celebration of the birth of Buddha. The celebrations takes place primarily on a large scale in Bouddha Stupa and Swayambhu Stupa which are some of the oldest and holiest shrine in the religion of Buddhism. The ambience during Buddha Jayanti is very divine and calm even though the place get crowded with followers from all around the world. The Stupas are lit with candles and lights which really complements the environments, also an ideal occasion for photography.
All in all, there are many events and festivals which takes place on a periodic basis which are celebrated whole heartedly. Being a part of it should always be of a prime concern to the tourists from all around the world as it serves you with a completely unique and unconventional experience as well as knowledge. So plan your trips with coincides with some of the most decorated and fun festivals in Nepal.

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